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Liberation movement of Bangladesh and the historic role of progressive people of Shibpur

Bangladesh’s liberation could not be achieved only in the nine months liberation struggle had...

১৯৭১-কেনো যেনো যুদ্ধে গেছি !

১. যতটা না দেশ প্রেমের টানে, তারচেয়ে বেশি এক অদ্ভূত রোমাঞ্চের টানে আমি যুদ্ধে...

Reflections on pre-Liberation days, Liberation War, and Victory Day

Soon after the historic election of 7 December , 1970, I along with three...

Canada’s role in the emergence of Bangladesh

This study focuses on the activities of the government of Canada, Canadian NGOs, Canadian...

Bangladesh’s liberation: Contributions of the Left Movement

The liberation of a nation is a continuous process; it does not happen on...

The elusive home

The story behind the story My wife Habiba and I recently attended a workshop...