HomeVolume 1, Issue 3

Volume 1, Issue 3

Note from the Executive Editor

The ailing banking sector has become a major drag on the Bangladesh economy.  A fundamental cause of the ailment is the rising default loans in the banking sector. Salehuddin Ahmed, a professor at BRAC university and a former governor of the Bangladesh Bank, explores...

Bangladesh economy trapped in default loans

Default loans in the banking sector of Bangladesh hit an all-time high of Tk 182,295 crore. Despite Bangladesh Bank (BB), the central bank of Bangladesh, offering various incentives and concessions to reduce the default loans, the total amount of default loans has increased almost...

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Learning disaster resilience from the people of Bangladesh

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, a panel of experts on CNN...

The Boat People

Translated by Swe Rohingya Demons rule the nation Their atrocities are inhumane They issue warrants without reason And...

A Conversation with Dr. M.A. Rashid

Dr. M.A. Rashid is a pioneer among the Bangladeshi diaspora community in Glasgow. After...

কানা ফারুকের গল্প

Over 11.35 lakh (1.4 million) Bangladeshis (কানা ফারুক ) migrated to foreign nations in...

A Faqir’s journey of becoming a Pushkin

The Family My father, the late Dr Mokhlesur Rahman, came to Australia in 1969. My...

Cherishing memories of Manitoba

I was an international student at the University of Manitoba from 1981 to 1989,...

Power of education in Australia-Bangladesh partnership

Australia was the first developed nation in the world to recognize Bangladesh after it...

Illicit foreign money drives house prices in the Greater Toronto Area

As Canada is the second largest country in the world in landmass, people would...

Rwanda – Country of thousand hills

Many folks have a distorted imagination and an unfair bias towards what Africa is,...

Road tripping in America

When I came to the US as a graduate student of Geology in the...

Professor Nurul Islam: A tribute to an international scholar

Let me begin by sharing the tribute sent to me by Dr Kamal Hossain,...


Many of you, by now, must have already heard about the sad demise of...

Latest articles

Note from the Executive Editor

The ailing banking sector has become a major drag on the Bangladesh economy.  A...

Bangladesh economy trapped in default loans

Default loans in the banking sector of Bangladesh hit an all-time high of Tk...

Bangladesh’s external debt management: Some emerging concerns

Context and backdrop A country’s external debts obligations include debts incurred by the government, including...

Golden Bengal: Myth or reality

The National Anthem of Bangladesh, a poem by the Nobel Laureate Poet Rabindranath Tagore,...