Submission Guidelines

Articles for the magazine in English must be typed in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman in font 12, with a line spacing of 1.5.  Articles should follow  British rather than American spelling. For example, “labour” rather than “labor,” “centre” rather than “center,” “industrialisation” rather than “ industrialization” should be used.  The maximum length of articles is about two thousand words. Footnotes and references are generally discouraged, although some essential references and links may be included within the text. Articles should not include statistical tables and long excerpts from other sources, which may require copy-rights permissions. Authors must submit written copyrights permissions if they choose to use such materials. For articles in Bangla, authors should also include a PDF version along with a Word version. All articles must be submitted by email:

A Note from the executive editor on behalf of the Editorial Team

Volume 1, Issue 2

The second issue of Global Bangladesh covers a number of critical issues for Bangladesh. The article by Anis Chowdhury in the section on Bangladesh: Global Perspectives, explores the enigma involving economic growth, corruption, and primitive capital accumulation in Bangladesh in comparison to East. Faizul Islam examines the economics of the Padma bridge, a milestone in the economic development of Bangladesh.

In the section on Bangladesh: Looking from Inside, Salehuddin Ahmed highlights the governance problems in the banking sector of Bangladesh.This section also includes an article by Fouzul Kabir Khan who introduces the concept of “mal economics” to expose how government policies hurt rather than achieve socio-economic objectives.

In the third section, Bangladeshi Diaspora, Asrar Chowdhury narrates the events of the language movement as witnessed by Jamal Uddin, a Bangladeshi- Canadian physician and poet. This issue includes a poem on 21 st February, written by Jamal Uddin. Mehmood Khan depicts a vivid, personal account of growing up in Sydney, Australia. Moti Rahman writes about the growing Bangladeshi diaspora community in Winnipeg, concentrating on Dr. Farid Shariff, a leading orthopedic surgeon in Winnipeg who migrated to Canada in the 1950s. Ahelee Rahman describes an account of maintaining her cultural and religious identities in Melbourne, Australia and her experience of the meaning of Eid in Australia.

Section IV, Literary Works of Bangladeshi Diaspora, includes a poem “ Earthquake”, written by Jamal Uddin. This section also includes a travelogue about Beirut, a factionalized and war-torn city which once was dubbed as the “Paris of the Middle East.”

In the section on book reviews, Mohammad Quayum presents a review of an anthology of short stories which ,with a wide range of themes and characters, illuminate different dimensions of Bangladeshi life, history, and culture. Finally, in Section VI, this issue presents an autobiographical interview of Prof. A.M. Nurul Amin who has had a long teaching and research career in development economics (originally published in Mukto Akash).

I hope readers in Bangladesh and abroad will find the featured articles informative and engaging. Readers are encouraged to disseminate the information about this magazine to potential readers worldwide.

Call for Articles for the Third Issue

Global Bangladesh calls for articles for the third issue.  The deadline is August 31, 2023.


Volume 1, Issue 1

On the occasion of the first issue of Global Bangladesh, let me highlight a few points. First, as mentioned in the vision and mission statements this magazine aims to illuminate different dimensions of the lives of the Bangladesh diaspora. Second, the magazine will connect the Bangladesh diaspora living in different countries of the world. Third, it will promote cultural and intellectual interactions between the diaspora community and the home country, Bangladesh. The first issue covers a number of subjects:  economic problems and progress concerning Bangladesh,  Bangladeshi migrant workers in Malaysia,  life experiences of the Bangladeshis in Australia, reflections on Canada from an academic lens, and life experiences of the Bangladeshi diaspora in England, The issue also includes a review of a book on the Bangladeshi community in America. There is also a poem that focuses on the theme of liberation and political freedom.  I hope readers in  Bangladesh and abroad will find the featured articles informative and engaging. Please disseminate the information about this magazine to potential readers worldwide.  We will strive to make continuous improvements in .the contents and overall quality of the magazine.

Call for Articles for the Second Issue

Global Bangladesh calls for articles for the second issue.  The deadline is March 31, 2023.
