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Irving, Texas hosts the 37th FOBANA 2023 Conference

The Federation of Bangladeshi Associations in North America (FOBANA)’s annual conference is the largest...

The 1969 uprising (ঊনসত্তরের গণঅভ্যুত্থান): A participant’s account

On 26 March we celebrated the 52nd Independence Day of our beloved country, Bangladesh....

Chattagram during the tumultuous March – As I remember

Chattagram is well known for its revolutionary legacy, ever since the armed uprising, led...

Migratory birds of Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a biodiversity heaven. From the zoo-geographical point of view, Bangladesh is at...

Son of the soil or international nomad?

Am I a son of the soil of Bangladesh or am I an international...

Jamuna char stories: A full circle journey

Chars: Stories of life and resilience In Bangladesh, chars or mid-channel islands are an...