The Boat People

Courtesy: The Guardian, 14 Oct. 2017

Translated by Swe Rohingya

Demons rule the nation

Their atrocities are inhumane

They issue warrants without reason

And arrest everyone wherever they find

They kill en masse till the end

And force the people out of their motherland

The outburst of feelings

Turns into a poem

Courtesy: The Guardian, 19 Sept. 2017

Based on race and faith

Their policies discriminate

The most oppressed among us

Are the Rohingya on this earth

Risking their lives

And gambling with uncertainty

Mothers are separated from their sons

While running away for life far from the native land

For months on the sea

Sailing the wooden boat with uncertainty

No destiny or shore in sight

Floating in the middle of the ocean

With lack of sleep and no food

Women were raped, ruining their lives

The lucky ones survive, while the poor embrace death

Battling to land on the shore

But no country allows the ill-fated Rohingya to anchor their boat

Rohingya became outcasts everywhere

Our voices become voiceless

Therefore, we complain to thee, O Almighty.

Courtesy: Time


Shahida Win is the pen name of Shahida, a poet who has been composing poems primarily in Burmese and Rohingya languages. As a poet, she strives to bring forth emotions and perspectives through her verses, shedding light on experiences that are often overlooked. Her goal is to touch hearts, evoke empathy, and encourage understanding among readers, and she believes ‘The Boat People’ can achieve this with its powerful message.

Shahida Win
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